Squares are an important component of urban areas, bringing diverse benefits to the population and the animals. In addition, they are places that allow greater freedom in the implementation of urban afforestation projects that, if well done, do not lead to future problems and expenses. Therefore, the objective of this work was to carry out the tree inventory of three squares of the central region of the Municipality of Dois Córregos. In the three inventoried squares, 322 arboreal individuals belonging to 48 species distributed in 24 families and 45 genera were registered. The families Fabaceae (9 spp. - 18.7%), Bignoniaceae (5 spp. - 10.4%), Arecaceae and Moraceae (4 spp. - 8.3% each) were the most representative. The species Cenostigma pluviosum (sibipiruna) presented the highest frequency, corresponding to 16.1% of the total sampled individuals. However, 40 species presented frequency less than 2.2% and were considered rare. Only eight species were found in all squares: Bauhinia variegata (pata-de-vaca), Delonix regia (flamboyant), Dypsis lutescens (areca-bambu), Eugenia uniflora (pitangueira), Handroanthus heptaphyllus (ipê-roxo), Ligustrum lucidum (alfeneiro), Nectandra megapotamica (canelinha) and Cenostigma pluviosum (sibipiruna). It was found that 60.4% of the species are exotic in Brazil. Therefore, it is evident that despite a considerable species richness, the high number of exotic species coupled with the high frequency of some species can bring problems in the future.
Copyright (c) 2021 Ana Paula de Freitas, Frederico Fregolente Faracco Mazziero, Natália Arias Galastri (Autor)

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