• Amanda Spada Ferreira
  • Any Leslie Vilela Machado Mundim
  • Barbara Regina Lopes Costa
  • Gabriele Oller de Oliveira
  • Taíza da Costa


The relationship between sea port and the environment is extremely complex, which has led ports to
seek new management concepts and new sustainable port practices. This article is the result of
research that aimed to understand the relationship of sustainable projects with the movements of the
Port of Rotterdam, located in the south of the Netherlands. To this end, a qualitative study of an
exploratory nature was adopted as a methodology and, through documentary analysis, it was observed
that sustainability in the Port of Rotterdam guarantees greater responsibility and safety in the
environmental and social spheres, since the innovation of these projects in the port branch alleviates
damage to aquatic and terrestrial life. As a result, there is a decrease in the impacts of port activities
on the environment and the Port of Rotterdam becomes a differential in Foreign Trade operations.

How to Cite
Ferreira, A. S., Mundim, A. L. V. M., Costa, B. R. L., Oliveira, G. O. de, & Costa, T. da. (2021). O PORTO DE ROTERDÃ E PROJETOS SUSTENTÁVEIS. Revista Fatecnológica Da Fatec-Jahu, 15(1), 155-165. https://doi.org/10.54628/issn2763-5600.v15.1.2021.197