• Wellington Nunes Marcondes FATEC Indaiatuba
  • Elisiane Sartori Menezes Garcia


This work is a partial result of research on the impact of Covid-19 on international relations. The study is based on the bibliographic survey of articles related to the theme, in order to characterize government positions in dealing with the pandemic. Following the perspective that the role of the State in the economy is of paramount importance for the development of countries, through solid economic policies aimed at the growth and strengthening of the means of production. In this way, it was possible to assess that the main function of the State, ultimately, is to serve as a mediator during periods of economic crisis, stimulating the return of the country's internal growth, through massive investments for its recovery, in a way to promote the generation of jobs and income for the population. The character of the work developed is entirely theoretical, addressing the social portrait of Brazil and some countries during the pandemic crisis, and the procedure used in carrying out this so-called exploratory research. The results found show that state interventions did not only play a role in the development of the welfare state during the pandemic, but also in a gradual economic recovery of countries that adopted assertive measures to combat the spread of the virus, in support of and the progress of the nation.

How to Cite
Nunes Marcondes, W., & Sartori Menezes Garcia, E. (2024). THE IMPACT OF COVID-19 ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS. Revista Fatecnológica Da Fatec-Jahu, 18(1), 25-48.