In the last years, the development of new technologies to be applied to robotic vehicles has been intensified. These vehicles normally have their position maintained or changed through a Dynamic Positioning System (DPS). An DPS consists of a control system, a positioning system and an engine system. To this end, there are studies to develop control strategies and sensing methods, that is, the type of sensor to be used to provide information for the control system. The main sensors applied to vehicle positioning have principles based on acoustic waves, inertial systems, and computer vision. Due to these needs, this paper aims to evaluate and compare the sensing methods based on ultrasonic sensors and computer vision. The efficiency of using a single camera with a laser pointer and an ultrasonic sensor as a sensor to measure the distance in relation to an object was verified, using an experimental arrangement, based on the Arduino platform, mounted on a chassis of a robotic vehicle. The experiments were carried out in a straight line, making tests with the sensors, and collecting the metrics. The results obtained prove the possibility of using the two types of sensors and from the results, a sensory integration was proposed using the information obtained by the two types of sensors in order to provide information on the vehicle's position to feed the DPS.
Copyright (c) 2020 Paulo Henrique Buscariolo (Autor)

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